
JQEC planning group offers a full range of planning capabilities from the regional scale to site specific design plan with strong emphasis on client needs, environmental factors, budget restrictions, technical and social requirements. JQEC expertise in this respect can be expressed as follows:

  1. Planning and Design of Housing Units at Qurain Coastal Strip Project (120 hectars)
  2. Planning and Design of Jleeb Al Shuyoukh Housing Project (600 hectares)
  3. Amiri Diwan (80 hectars).
  4. JQEC has competed for many other master planning projects such as Doha and Jahra Residential Areas.
  5. West Bay Area Re-Development Master Plan – Doha State of Qatar, Doha Mix Land Use Project Master Plan.
  6. MP of a Multidisciplinary complex 2 million sqm complex (commercial-residential) – Doha – Qatar.
  7. Algeria Housing Master Plan for 720 units. (70 hectars)
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